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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


  1. The manuscript is a summary of the results of the research itself.
  2. The manuscript has been written in DOC format and is ready in accordance with the template provided. Templates on the procedure for writing articles can be downloaded on the page
  1. The maximum document DOC file size is 5 MB.
  2. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English with the letters Time New Roman font 12. The length of the manuscript is about 8–15 pages and is typed in 1.15 space.
  3. The page setting is 2 columns with to column equal and 5 mm distance between columns, while Title, Author Identity, and Abstract are written in 1 column.
  4. The paper size is A4 and the margins are 2.5 cm for the top, bottom, left borders & right.


  1. First part: title, author's name, abstraction.
  2. Main section: contains an introduction, materials & research methods, results and discussion, as well as conclusions and suggestions.
  3. The final part: acknowledgment (if any), description of symbols (if any), and bibliography.


  1. Title is printed in capital letters, in bold (bold) with the font Times New Roman font 12, single space with a maximum number of words 15.
  2. The author's name is written under the title without a title, cannot be abbreviated, begin with a capital letter, without beginning with the word "by", the order of the authors is the first author followed by the second, third and so on.
  3. College name and email address (email) all authors written under the author's name with the letter Times New Roman font


  1. Abstract written in English, contains the core of the problem / research background, research methods/problem solving, and the results obtained. The word abstract is in bold.
  2. The number of words in the abstract is not more than 250 words and should be typed in 1 space.
  3. Type face Abstract is Times New Roman font 11, presented by the left and the right price, is served in one paragraph, and written without overhanging (indent) at the beginning of the sentence. d. Abstract is equipped with keywords consisting of 3-5 words which are the core of the abstraction description. The word Keywords are in bold.


  1. Each subtitle is written in Times New Roman font 12 and in bold.
  2. New paragraphs are written indented with an indent-first line of 75 cm, between paragraphs are not spaced.
  3. Foreign words are written in italics.
  4. All numbers are written with numbers, except at the beginning of sentences and whole numbers less than ten must be spelled.
  5. Tables and figures must be clearly labeled and numbered.


Writing literature uses the system Harvard Referencing Standard. Everything that is listed in the bibliography must be referred to in the manuscript. Up-to-date reference is a priority.

A. Book

[1] Author 1, Author 2 etc. (Last name, first name is abbreviated). Publication year. Book title in italics. Edition, Publisher. Place of Publication.  


O'Brien, JA and. JM Marakas. 2011. Management Information Systems. Issue 10. McGrawHill. New York-USA.  

B. Journal Articles  

[2] Author 1, Author 2 and so on, (Last name, short first name). Publication year. Article title. Journal Name Italic. Vol. Number. Page Range.  


Cartlidge, J. 2012. Crossing boundaries: Using fact and fiction in adult learning. The Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 6 (1): 94-111.  

C. Proceedings of Seminars / Conferences  

[3] Author 1, Author 2 etc., (last name, abbreviated name). Year of publication. Article title. Conference Name. Date, Month and Year, City, Country. Page. Example:  

Michael, R. 2011. Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Informatic Wirt-schafts. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Thing. 776-786.  

D. Test or dissertation  

[4] Author (last name, first name is abbreviated). Publication year. Title. Thesis, Thesis, or Dissertation. University.  


Soegandhi. 2009. Application of the bankruptcy model to regional companies in East Java. Thesis. Faculty of Economics, University ofJoyonegoro, Surabaya.  

E. Reference sources from the website  

[5] Author. Year. Title. Address Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Date Accessed.


Ahmed, S. and A. Zlate. Capital flows to emerging market economies: A brave new world? .Http:// Retrieved 18 June 2013.  



Formulas Mathematical formulas are written clearly in Microsoft Equation or other similar applications and are numbered like the following example in Author Guidelines 

Writing Table  

Tables are numbered in order of presentation (Table 1, etc.), without right or left borders.  

The title of the table is written at the top of the table in a center position (center justified) as in the following example in Author Guidelines  


Images are numbered in order of presentation (Fig. 1, etc.). The image title is placed under the image with the center position (center justified) as in the following example in Author Guidelines

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.