Efektifitas Kinerja Pentoksifilin Terhadap Kualitas dan Integritas Membran Plasma Utuh pada Sperma Sapi Bali Hasil Pemisahan dengan Menggunakan Albumin


  • Rodiah Rodiah UNRAM
  • Enny Yuliani
  • Adji Santoso Dradjat
  • Chairussyuhur Arman




pentoxifillynae, quality of sperm, separating with Albumin, Bali Bull


The purpose of this research was  to determine the effect of Pentoxyfilline  in maintaining the quality (motility, viability, morphology and plasma membrane intact) of Bali bull spermatozoa separated with albumine.  A Completely Random Block Design was used in this study with two main factors (upper layer and bottom layer), diluents with four doses of pentoxyfilline (0, 15, 20  and 25 μM) with six  replications.  Evaluation of spermatozoa was performed by characterizing motility, viability, morphology, plasma membrane intact. Result of the study showed that the effect of four doses  pentoxyfilline on the quality of Bali bull spermatozoa was non significant (p>0,05). However, the addition of  25μM pentoxyfilline was found to give the best effect compared to 15 μM, 20 μM and control. Result  of the study also indicated that spermatozoa separated in the upper layer was signifiqantly higher (p<0,01) than that of separated in the bottom layer with the average  motility, viability, morfology and  plasma membrane intact was 66,67,80,50, 6,71 and 65,61% respectively.


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