Identifikasi Komponen, Faktor dan Resiko Relatif yang Berpengaruh pada Hasil Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Bali


  • Adji Santoso Dradjat UNRAM
  • Rodiah Rodiah
  • Enny Yuliani
  • Chairussyuhur Arman



pregnancy risk, insemination, Bali cattle


The aims of the research were to identify components, factors and relative risk (Odd ratio) which may influence
the artificial insemination results. The study were performed in two villages those were Kuranji and Tanah Beak,
by identification of components and factors which may contribute to successful artificial insemination results,
then the flow chart of successful and obstacle were designed. Based on the flow chart survey was performed to the
farmers and inseminators. Parameters evaluated were factors may influence of the result of insemination such as;
management, oestrus detection by farmers and insemination by inseminators. The data was tabulated and analised
using epidemiology analysis of odd ratios (OR). The results showed that insemination results of Kuranji village
do not have the risk to be not pregnant as the odd ratio was less than 1 (OR <1,0), with the range of 0,10 to 0,20.
While artificial insemination in Tanah Beak village showed risk of cows to be infertile or non pregnant relatively
higher with OR higher than 1 (OR> 1.0), with the range of 1,5 to 2,0. The results showed that the risk to be
unsuccessful to produce pregnancy were caused by oestrus detection, feeding management, skill inseminator and
experience of farmers. Finally it can be concluded that oestrus detection by farmers, feeding management,
insemination by inseminator and experience of farmers may contribut to the high risk fail to produce pregnancy
using artificial insemination in Tanah beak village.


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